We have been paying on our loans for over 10 years, and in all that
time only 12% of our payments were ever applied to the principal.
We have paid off 4 vehicles, 4 hospitals, 1 home, 15 doctors and
several animals - because you can pay ahead or pay extra on the principal --
BUT NOT ON STUDENT LOANS!!! THEY DO NOT HAVE TO APPLY ANYTHING TO THE PRINCIPAL FIRST - they can legally apply to their fees and interest and charges first - It is a sick rigged rip-off intended to create debts that can never be paid off!!! AND BILL f'ing CLINTON privatized it all so that his buddies could build themselves a private golf course...Hell, we owe more now than when we started paying the damn things!!!
So much for 'family values', the importance of education, and all that
other crap...
I have had a student loan with AES since just prior to 9-11 2001, and in the past I might get a letter if a payment is late or just letting me know of the late charges. Jumping forward nine years later, I am harassed daily if I am just within six hours late of a specific payment time. All the calls they make to me range from three to eight calls a day. I get nasty emails, including this one today just since I am just shy five days late. Here is an excerpt. This message has been sent to you based upon your existing relationship with American Education Services (AES). If you are not the intended recipient or received this e-mail in error, please contact AES by calling 800-442-6532, and then delete this e-mail from your system. They claim between 3-5 days late, wrong they start calling a day late! Since just around May of 2010, I have now received over 45 calls from these people from just one specific phone number. Folks the answer to 1984 is 1776, and these people are simply thug thieves in the night.
My dear people,
it is 2011 and time for us to take this fight to another level. The Pennsylvania higher education commission has been receiving complaints about this company for years and have not done anything. The BBB is not gonna do anything for us to get the justice we deserve.
contact me if you are ready to join a class action lawsuit against A.E.S we are moving forward this month
Richard Amudipe MBA
People need stop complaining and just pay the fucking bill it is not that hard. I am so talking to supposely educated people all day and none of them having any common sense. Last time I checked life is not fair. Note to women having a child is not valid reason for forbearance or deferment, tell the sperm donor that got you preggers he has to step support his child and wife/baby mama. So next you don't pay the bill and your grandparents and parents get call don't whine or cry. Because you have no one to blame but yourself pay the fucking bill.
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